miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009


ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Entrepreneurship is a person's ability to make an extra effort to reach a goal or objective is also the person who starts a new business or project. Thus an entrepreneur is a person with ability to create, to pursue their ideas, able to confront problems and find solutions.
An individual who is known not only look but see the environment and seek opportunities in that environment. Possesses and knows its own initiative to create. Communicates easily with others and not be overcome by fears. Being enterprising is to create something new or make a different use to something that already exists and thus give a new impact to your life.
Is positive and is easily adapted to the environment, have high self-esteem, confidence in themselves and have the need for achievement, given the opportunity to think differently and creates a positive environment. This way I can say that if I want to go far in my plans and goals, I achieve my dreams to be a woman entrepreneur and I could argue that far from being a person of business where I attempt to achieve my goals, be within the best, achieve good grades, learning every day but have an open mind to changes that may occur in my life, where I or my school to learn this unfolding or reject depending on whatever. If we venture to define the word itself does not end up as it is a word that could mean a lot.

LEADERSHIP: It is the ability to take initiative, manage, convene, promote, encourage, motivate and evaluate a group or team. Is carrying on the business executive in a project, effectively and efficiently, be it personal or institutional management. Leadership is the ability to use different forms of power to influence the behavior of others Therefore, in a world that is constantly changing and together with a changing market means that companies and institutions conform to these changes so that the business environment with special characteristics required of leaders increasingly competent, capable to take on challenges, taking control and supervision through a successful and competitive leadership with a different preparation to meet the needs of modern enterprises.
The leader of today must master many functions, which facilitate interaction with the environment and efficiently manage the destiny of the company. Must be strategic, proactive leader and organizer. To organize need to know where it is going, how to organize, and learn at each stage to be leader.
The leader must know a little bit of everything, and know all those aspects that can affect an organization, be prepared to face it and be aware that as time progresses also presented the success it can also present obstacles and the leader must cope and find solutions.

Born in Seattle, Washington, USA on October 28, 1955, better known as Bill Gates, founder of software company Microsoft on April 4th 1975, producer of the operating system for personal computers used in the world, Microsoft Windows. To sell the operating system DOS, even though he did not and then bought it at a very low price to a young programmer. IBM operating system that it needed to compete with Apple, which is why the negotiations were flexible. Microsoft wanted to license fees, maintenance, and even the power to sell the DOS to other companies. IBM agreed, considering that the dividend yield would be the hardware, not software. A few days later, Microsoft bought the copyright to Tim Paterson's QDOS, who worked for Seattle Computer Products, for $ 50,000, which sold to IBM as MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS). What attracts attention was powerfully that IBM did not buy the MS-DOS but decide to pay Microsoft a royalty for each copy that is sold with an IBM-PC.
Aware of the importance of the graphical environment that Apple has shown in its Lisa computer, it was proposed also to the graphical environment and the "mouse" to operate. Meanwhile, Steve Jobs, Apple's founder, began developing the Macintosh, Apple Bill Gates visited. Offered to improve their spreadsheets and other programs. Threatened to sell its equipment to IBM, which won an Apple-Microsoft alliance. Microsoft was legally technology GUI and mouse, and brought to market Microsoft Windows, Macintosh as a direct competitor. At the end of the second millennium, the operating system Microsoft Windows (all versions) was used in most personal computers worldwide.
Bill Gates is third in the annual list of the largest personal fortunes made by Forbes magazine, with estimated assets of around U.S. $ 56,000 million (2007). In 1994, he acquired a manuscript of Leonardo da Vinci for 25 million dollars. Abandon their responsibilities to engage their own business as Honorary President of The Foundation, originally Bill Gates will devote their time to 70% with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and another 30% to the company.

Born in Dearborn, Michigan (July 30 1863 - April 7, 1947), founder of the Ford Motor Company and father of modern production lines used in mass production. He was a prolific inventor who obtained 161 patents in that country. As sole owner of the Ford Motor Company, became one of the most famous and richest in the world. Invento gasoline engine which uses for the invention of his own vehicle called Quadricycle, which made its first test successfully on June 4 of that year. Ford stunned the world in 1914 by offering its workers a wage of $ 5 per day, at that time was more than double what it paid most of these employees. This tactic proved immensely useful when you the best mechanics in Detroit began to switch to the Ford company, bringing with them their human capital and experience, increasing productivity and reducing training costs. Ford called it "wage motive." The use of vertical integration in the company also was very helpful, when Ford built a gigantic factory in which raw materials entering and exiting cars finished. The Ford T appeared on the market on October 1, 1908. The project was to produce simple and inexpensive cars for mass consumption in the U.S. the average family. Ford also took care to build a massive advertising in Detroit, ensuring that each newspaper stories and ads appear on their new product. His system allowed local dealers that the car was available in every U.S. city. UU. By 1918 half the cars in the U.S.. UU. were the Model T Ford. Manufacturing chain, which Ford revolutionized the automobile industry, Ford correctly evaluated the purchasing power of the average man on the doorstep of American consumer society. Whenever there is such demand, the production chain savings in lost work time by not having to move workers from one place to another in the factory. In 1918 the president of EE. UU. Woodrow Wilson personally asked Henry Ford to be presented for election to the Senate by the state of Michigan as a representative of the Democratic Party. While the nation was at war, Ford was a pacifist and political supporter of the League of Nations.

The working philosophy of Ford
Henry Ford was a pioneer of the welfare state through the consumer society. Sought to improve the living standards of their workers and reduce turnover. Efficiency supposed to recruit and retain the best workers Ford was criticized by Wall Street for having started the implementation of the 40-hour week and to establish a minimum wage. However, showed that a payment to their workers and allow them to buy the cars they produced, and therefore was good for the economy. Ford called this increase in wages as a way to share the benefit.

The airline Ford
Ford, like other auto companies, entered the aviation business during World War I, building Liberty engines. The plane most successful was the Ford tri-Ford, called the Tin Goose. The three-flew for the first time June 11, 1926 and was the first successful passenger plane, which accommodate about 12 passengers in a moderately comfortable.
In 1938 the German consul at Cleveland gave Ford the decoration of the Grand Cross of the Eagle, the highest decoration that the Nazi Germany could give a foreign.

Ford's business world
Ford's philosophy in terms of economy was the economic independence of EE. UU. River Rouge plant in Michigan, became the largest industrial complex in the world capable of even producing its own steel. The aim was to produce a Ford car from the beginning without being dependent on external trade. He believed that trade and international cooperation led to international peace and used his production line of T Ford to prove it.
The Ford Foundation
Henry Ford founded with his son, Edsel, the Ford Foundation in 1936 with the broad objective of promoting the welfare of the people. Ford divided his capital into a small number of voting shares, which split between his family and a large number of voting shares without giving to the Foundation. The Foundation has grown immensely, and for 1950, already had an international level. Gradually he was selling all its shares in the market from 1955 to 1974, and lost their connection with the Ford Motor Company and the Ford family.
Henry Ford was the creator of mass production.

Born in Japan on November 17, 1906 and died on August 5, 1991) was a Japanese businessman, founder of Honda Motors. Was a passion for mechanical devices. At the age of 15 years, Soichiro moved to Tokyo to work in the automotive Hart Shokai. For 21 years, returned to his hometown became a skilled mechanic, as the head of a branch of that self. However, it soon became independent and set up factory pistons that soon failed. Later he enrolled at the university, and later opened his small factory.
At the end of World War II, Soichiro lost amid all the devastation that occurred on U.S. bombing.
In 1948, a partner Takeo Fujisawa, founded the Honda Motor Company with the goal of producing motorcycles. The original idea was to make bikes with engines, but the first engine used was too heavy and then the company went bankrupt. However, Soichiro produced a lighter engine, quiet and fast, and immediately the success occurred. and set up factories throughout Japan. In early 1960, expanded its industrial Soichiro fully involved in the automotive industry. Set the goal to win any race with a Formula 1 car manufacturing, which achieved in 1965.
Since 1967, Honda began to produce small vehicles. When the crisis erupted in 1973 oil production increased from the low-Honda Civic, which the company is positioned so unbeatable in the entire world.

Born in Chicago, Illinois, December 5, 1901 and died on December 15, 1966, was a producer, director, writer and entertainer U.S.. He founded with his brother Roy O. Disney, The Walt Disney Company, creator of mass production. Company that currently generates annual revenues of 30,000 million dollars, and the main architect of a style of cartoon films. For 15 years, Walt got a summer job selling newspapers and sweets to the passengers of the Santa Fe Railway In his school years, Disney's cartoon was the institute's journal, The Village Voice. His cartoons were the subject of patriotism and politics, focusing on the theme of the First World War...

Early in the animation
Determined to pursue a career, moved to Kansas City. His brother Roy worked at a bank in the area and, through a friend got him a job on the weigh me-Rubin Art Studio, where Walt was dedicated to creating ads for newspapers, magazines and cinemas. They coincided with another designer, Ubbe Iwwerks, where friendly, and both decided to start their own business.
Disney and Iwwerks (who shortened his name to Ub Iwerks) founded a company called "Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists" in January 1920 did not get too many customers, and finally had to leave. Both were hired by the Kansas City Film Ad Company, which worked on ads, made with primitive animation techniques for local cinemas. After two years in Ad Film, Disney believed it had gained enough experience to launch a new business on their own. In 1922, the company founded Laugh-O-Gram Films, Inc., dedicated to animated shorts based on fairy tales and folk tales for children, such as Cinderella or The cat with boots. After creating his latest short, the mix of animation and real action Alice's Wonderland, the study was declared bankrupt in June 1923. Disney then decided to move to the center of the burgeoning film industry, Hollywood... Not finding it chose to try again with the animation. His first studio in Hollywood was a garage at the home of his uncle Robert. Sent the movie Alice's Wonderland at the New York distributor Margaret Winkler, who showed great interest in the film and hired Disney to produce more film combining animation and real image. This was the beginning of the Disney Brothers' Studio, the germ of the future The Walt Disney Company.

Mickey Mouse
The first film appearance of Mickey took place on May 15, 1928 in Plane Crazy, a silent film; Disney himself was responsible for the effects of his first short vowels and was the voice of Mickey Mouse until 1947.
Mickey Mouse met a great success, so much so that in 1935, the League of Nations awarded Disney a gold medal, declaring Mickey "international symbol of goodwill." In January 1930 it was adapted to comic strip in newspapers with a dash of Disney and Iwerks drawings.

"The madness of Disney" Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
In 1934 began to plan the production on an animated feature film Snow White, providing his laboratory to experiment on the realistic animation of humans, creating animated characters with character set, special effects, and the use of specialized processes and equipment as multiplane camera.
Snow White was the biggest movie box office hit of 1938, and earned revenues of $ 8 million. At the end of the 1940s, the study had recovered enough to continue the production of new films such as Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland country, Peter Pan, Pluto, Treasure Island, Twenty Thousand Leagues submarine trip, 101 Dalmatians, Sleeping Beauty, the lovely Merlin, Mary Poppins, among others. Since the 40s, Disney had the idea to build an amusement park. Over time, this project would grow to become Disneyland. Matured while his idea of Disneyland, visited many amusement parks, but overall it seemed dirty and poorly managed. In 1952, Disney created a new subsidiary of his company to deal with planning and building the park. Construction of Disneyland began on July 21, 1954. The park opened to the public on July 18, 1955. When Walt Disney Productions began to build Disneyland, had also begun to take an interest in other areas of the entertainment industry.

The Oscar de Walt Disney
Throughout his career as a film producer, Walt Disney received a total of 26 Academy Awards.


- Intelligent
- Entrepreneur
- Leader - Innovative
- Creative

- Entrepreneur
- Intelligent
- Creative
- Innovative
- Leader
- Entrepreneur

- Entrepreneur
- Intelligent
- Creative

- Leader
- Entrepreneur
- Intelligent
- Perseverance
- Entrepreneur
- Creative
- Imagine


- Deflation: A general lowering of the price level of goods and services in an economy. Is the movement against inflation.
It is the economic situation in which prices fall is caused by a lack of demand, and is much more evil and feared by employers than inflation.

- Demand: is defined as the quantity and quality of goods and services that can be purchased for different prices for a consumer (individual application) or for all consumers (or market demand), at a given time. Demand is a mathematical function.

- Stagflation: It indicates that the economic situation or the time that in an inflationary situation, there is a stagnant economy and the inflation rate does not yield.

- Inflation: It is the sustained and widespread increase in the price level of goods and services, measured against a purchasing power. Is also defined as a drop in market value or purchasing power of a currency in an economy in particular, which differs from the devaluation, since the latter refers to the fall in the value of the currency of a country in relation to another currency traded in international markets as the U.S. dollar, the euro or the yen.

- Revenue: When the income from production activities can be classified into several types:
• Marginal Revenue: Generated by increased production in one unit.

• Average income: Income that is produced, on average, per unit of product sold, ie, total income is divided into the total units sold.
• Marginal Revenue Product: Income generated by the use of an additional unit of any factor of production (labor, capital), for example, the use of a worker, and so on.

- Transaction: Is defined as the quantity of goods or services that producers are willing to offer different prices and conditions given at a specified time.

- Expenses: Amount paid to buy or produce goods. The calculation of the cost of a purchase is immediate: the price is well over the financial costs of purchase.

- Utilities: Satisfaction or benefit that is available to perform a transaction, the utility is the basis of the value an individual gives to the goods and services consumed.

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